Bronowicka Spiżarnia

According to the statistics provided by Google Trends (01.2018 - 05.2019 - Poland), the keyword 'healthy eating' constantly maintains high search results. This phrase "competes" for the position of most entered with the keyword "healthy food", which also belongs to the group that is very popular.

Healthy meals, healthy food or simply healthy eating is not just a trend, it's a lifestyle that has already settled in our lives for good. Bronowicka Spiżarnia is the answer for those seeking healthy products.

Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia

The first stage of the Bronowicka Spiżarnia project was to create a brand page that is a knowledge base and a place where the user can find information about new products appearing in the stationary store and about Spiżarnia itself.

The next step of the cooperation was to design a user-friendly online store. The panel of product categories designed in the form of a "hamburger" allows creating an extensive list of grouped assortments, making it easier to search for the desired product.

The Bronowicka Spiżarnia is created by dieticians and nutritional advisers who, from the broad market of "bio" and "fit" products, choose an assortment free of harmful chemicals. In addition, they give the opportunity to order freshly made preserves, which definitely distinguishes them from the competition of healthy food stores.

Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia
Bronowicka Spiżarnia

The Bronowicka Spiżarnia online store was based on our own MoonShop system, whose characteristic feature is a transparent structure that allows easy navigation between modules. Thanks to the flexibility of the system, the client has the ability to customize the elements of the store in accordance with its development.

The system makes it possible to order products online with direct home delivery. It has been equipped with functionalities generating an optimal route of travel, divided into districts of Kraków. In the first stage of development, the delivery will only be available in the area of Kraków.

The entire e-commerce system has been integrated with internal logistics and warehouse systems operating within the company.

Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia
Bronowicka Spiżarnia Bronowicka Spiżarnia
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