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03.12.2019 Internet technologies

4 foolproof ways to generate more leads

In today’s world users are so distracted that it becomes harder and harder for companies to draw their attention. That creates a serious problem for businesses of all sizes b...
08.11.2019 Internet technologies

How to prepare your e-commerce store to Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

In recent years Black Friday stopped being a one-day occasion to snap high-end products at discount prices. Nowadays, it became a treasure hunt that starts weeks before the day aft...
28.10.2019 Internet technologies

Website or facebook page: what to choose to reach your audience?

The internet gives companies an abundance of options when it comes to promoting their products online. Numerous social media platforms where hundreds of millions users are at busin...
02.09.2019 Internet technologies

How to attract new customers and retain old ones?

In today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to acquire new customers. Users trust brands less and less and tend to rely on the opinion of others when making the purchasing...
09.05.2019 Internet technologies

How to choose a software development company?

Nowadays companies are nothing without their software. Every enterprise ought to have a website, many implement ERP, CMS, CRM systems into their businesses, a lot of firms are sell...
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