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that we want to share
with you

04.03.2019 Graphic design

Design thinking – 5 stages of creating innovative solutions

Design thinking is a concept that is becoming more and more popular. But not only among graphic designers. This method is useful for everyone who deals with designing, and also can...
01.03.2019 Internet technologies

4 key features every website needs to have

Whether you are building your website by yourself or outsourcing the project, it should be as user-friendly as possible. Of course, it depends on the type of your business what fea...
19.02.2019 Mobile apps

The differences between native, web, and hybrid mobile apps

When deciding to build a mobile app you are facing a problem which type to choose. There are a lot of things that can impact the possible functions of the app and the difficulty of...
15.02.2019 E-commerce

3 types of e-commerce platforms

Considering all available e-commerce platform options it is very easy to get lost. Comparing e-commerce platforms and choosing the right one for the business can be a very hard thi...
12.02.2019 IT industry news

Big companies' 10-year challenge. Infographic

10 year challenge was a pretty strange start of the 2019. People were and still are posting photos of themselves from now and 10 years ago side by side to show how aging changed th...
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