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05.11.2019 IT technology

Progressive Web App - the future of application development or a passing trend?

The mobile-first trend is nothing new in today’s world. The use of mobile devices is increasing and people are more likely to make a purchase through their phones than a coup...
14.10.2019 IT technology

The importance of website maintenance

The work on the website does not end with the finalization of the development process. The site requires regular updates and changes to stay relevant and fresh in the eyes of users...
07.10.2019 IT technology

Blockchain is not only about cryptocurrency

For the last few years cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, in particular, was the worldwide trend that introduced the concept of blockchain to average users. The popularity of Bitcoin and Eth...
30.09.2019 IT technology

3 ways how to reach mobile device users

The need for businesses to reach users of mobile devices is undeniable. People become more and more attached to their phones and spend most of their free time using them. According...
28.08.2019 IT technology

Differences between website and web application

For an average user, the word “website” became so general that everything that has a URL is identified as a website. However, it is far from reality. There are several...
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