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18.06.2019 IT technology

Single Page Application – how it differs from the traditional approach

Nowadays, when entering the website, users expect that it will load in a few seconds. Most websites meet these expectations, but when the user goes to a sub-page or selects a sort...
07.06.2019 IT technology

Productive team – how to build it?

Each company is made up of teams. Even in small enterprises, employees unite into groups as they work on the implementation of various projects. The whole team will do much more an...
29.04.2019 IT technology

The future of augmented reality technology in the furniture industry

As more and more customers are moving online to make different purchases, businesses need to follow them. For the furniture industry, this can be a little bit challenging as furnit...
25.04.2019 IT technology

Outsource or in-house: which option to choose?

One of the most important questions that arises when the company grows and the need in the new employees occur is to hire in-house specialists or to outsource certain tasks?...
13.03.2019 IT technology

What is Vue.js and why you need to use it?

Vue.js is one of the three most popular JavaScript frameworks. Although it’s not particularly appreciated by large companies, 130 thousand stars on GitHub prove that it...
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